


class torchvideo.datasets.VideoDataset(root_path, label_set=None, sampler=FullVideoSampler(), transform=None)[source]


Abstract base class that all VideoDatasets inherit from. If you are implementing your own VideoDataset, you should inherit from this class.

  • root_path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to dataset on disk.

  • label_set (Optional[LabelSet]) – Optional label set for labelling examples.

  • sampler (FrameSampler) – Optional sampler for drawing frames from each video.

  • transform (Optional[Callable[[Any], Tensor]]) – Optional transform over the list of frames.


Load an example by index


index (int) – index of the example within the dataset.

Return type

Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Any]]


Example transformed by transform if one was passed during instantiation, otherwise the example is converted to a tensor without any transformations applied to it. Additionally, if a label set is present, the method return a tuple: (video_tensor, label)


Total number of examples in the dataset

Return type


labels = None

The labels corresponding to the examples in the dataset. To get the label for example at index i you simple call dataset.labels[i], although this will be returned by __getitem__ if this field is not None.


class torchvideo.datasets.ImageFolderVideoDataset(root_path, filename_template, filter=None, label_set=None, sampler=FullVideoSampler(), transform=None, frame_counter=None)[source]

Bases: torchvideo.datasets.video_dataset.VideoDataset

Dataset stored as a folder containing folders of images, where each folder represents a video.

The folder hierarchy should look something like this:


  • root_path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to dataset on disk. Contents of this folder should be example folders, each with frames named according to the filename_template argument.

  • filename_template (str) – Python 3 style formatting string describing frame filenames: e.g. "frame_{:06d}.jpg" for the example dataset in the class docstring.

  • filter (Optional[Callable[[Path], bool]]) – Optional filter callable that decides whether a given example folder is to be included in the dataset or not.

  • label_set (Optional[LabelSet]) – Optional label set for labelling examples.

  • sampler (FrameSampler) – Optional sampler for drawing frames from each video.

  • transform (Optional[Callable[[Iterator[Image]], Tensor]]) – Optional transform performed over the loaded clip.

  • frame_counter (Optional[Callable[[Path], int]]) – Optional callable used to determine the number of frames each video contains. The callable will be passed the path to a video folder and should return a positive integer representing the number of frames. This tends to be useful if you’ve precomputed the number of frames in a dataset.


Load an example by index


index (int) – index of the example within the dataset.

Return type

Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Any]]


Example transformed by transform if one was passed during instantiation, otherwise the example is converted to a tensor without any transformations applied to it. Additionally, if a label set is present, the method return a tuple: (video_tensor, label)


Total number of examples in the dataset

Return type



class torchvideo.datasets.VideoFolderDataset(root_path, filter=None, label_set=None, sampler=FullVideoSampler(), transform=None, frame_counter=None)[source]

Bases: torchvideo.datasets.video_dataset.VideoDataset

Dataset stored as a folder of videos, where each video is a single example in the dataset.

The folder hierarchy should look something like this:

  • root_path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to dataset folder on disk. The contents of this folder should be video files.

  • filter (Optional[Callable[[Path], bool]]) – Optional filter callable that decides whether a given example video is to be included in the dataset or not.

  • label_set (Optional[LabelSet]) – Optional label set for labelling examples.

  • sampler (FrameSampler) – Optional sampler for drawing frames from each video.

  • transform (Optional[Callable[[Iterator[Image]], Tensor]]) – Optional transform over the list of frames.

  • frame_counter (Optional[Callable[[Path], int]]) – Optional callable used to determine the number of frames each video contains. The callable will be passed the path to a video and should return a positive integer representing the number of frames. This tends to be useful if you’ve precomputed the number of frames in a dataset.


Load an example by index


index (int) – index of the example within the dataset.

Return type

Union[Any, Tuple[Any, Any]]


Example transformed by transform if one was passed during instantiation, otherwise the example is converted to a tensor without any transformations applied to it. Additionally, if a label set is present, the method return a tuple: (video_tensor, label)


Total number of examples in the dataset


class torchvideo.datasets.GulpVideoDataset(root_path, *, gulp_directory=None, filter=None, label_field=None, label_set=None, sampler=FullVideoSampler(), transform=None)[source]

Bases: torchvideo.datasets.video_dataset.VideoDataset

GulpIO Video dataset.

The folder hierarchy should look something like this:


  • root_path (Union[str, Path]) – Path to GulpIO dataset folder on disk. The .gulp and .gmeta files are direct children of this directory.

  • filter (Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]) – Filter function that determines whether a video is included into the dataset. The filter is called on each video id, and should return True to include the video, and False to exclude it.

  • label_field (Optional[str]) – Meta data field name that stores the label of an example, this is used to construct a GulpLabelSet that performs the example labelling. Defaults to 'label'.

  • label_set (Optional[LabelSet]) – Optional label set for labelling examples. This is mutually exclusive with label_field.

  • sampler (FrameSampler) – Optional sampler for drawing frames from each video.

  • transform (Optional[Callable[[ndarray], Tensor]]) – Optional transform over the ndarray with layout THWC. Note you’ll probably want to remap the channels to CTHW at the end of this transform.

  • gulp_directory (Optional[GulpDirectory]) – Optional gulp directory residing at root_path. Useful if you wish to create a custom label_set using the gulp_directory, which you can then pass in with the gulp_directory itself to avoid reading the gulp metadata twice.


Load an example by index


index – index of the example within the dataset.

Return type

Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor, Any]]


Example transformed by transform if one was passed during instantiation, otherwise the example is converted to a tensor without any transformations applied to it. Additionally, if a label set is present, the method return a tuple: (video_tensor, label)


Total number of examples in the dataset

Label Sets

Label sets are an abstraction over how your video data is labelled. This provides flexibility in swapping out different storage methods and labelling methods. All datasets optionally take a LabelSet that performs the mapping between example and label.


class torchvideo.datasets.LabelSet[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Abstract base class that all LabelSets inherit from

If you are implementing your own LabelSet, you should inherit from this class.


video_name (str) – The filename or id of the video

Return type



The corresponding label


class torchvideo.datasets.DummyLabelSet(label=0)[source]

Bases: torchvideo.datasets.label_sets.label_set.LabelSet

A dummy label set that returns the same label regardless of video


label (Any) – The label given to any video


video_name – The filename or id of the video

Return type



The corresponding label


class torchvideo.datasets.GulpLabelSet(merged_meta_dict, label_field='label')[source]

Bases: torchvideo.datasets.label_sets.label_set.LabelSet

LabelSet for GulpIO datasets where the label is contained within the metadata of the gulp directory. Assuming you’ve written the label of each video to a field called 'label' in the metadata you can create a LabelSet like: GulpLabelSet(gulp_dir.merged_meta_dict, label_field='label')


video_name (str) – The filename or id of the video

Return type



The corresponding label


class torchvideo.datasets.CsvLabelSet(df, col='label')[source]

Bases: torchvideo.datasets.label_sets.label_set.LabelSet

LabelSet for a pandas DataFrame or Series. The index of the DataFrame/Series is assumed to be the set of video names and the values in a series the label. For a dataframe the field kwarg specifies which field to use as the label


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'video': ['video1', 'video2'],
...                    'label': [1, 2]}).set_index('video')
>>> label_set = CsvLabelSet(df, col='label')
>>> label_set['video1']
  • df – pandas DataFrame or Series containing video names/ids and their corresponding labels.

  • col (Optional[str]) – The column to read the label from when df is a DataFrame.


video_name (str) – The filename or id of the video

Return type



The corresponding label