Source code for torchvideo.datasets.gulp_video_dataset

import numbers
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Union, Optional, Callable, Tuple, cast, List
import torch

import numpy as np
from gulpio import GulpDirectory

from .label_sets import LabelSet, GulpLabelSet
from .video_dataset import VideoDataset
from .types import NDArrayVideoTransform, empty_label, Label
from .helpers import invoke_transform
from ..samplers import FrameSampler, _default_sampler

[docs]class GulpVideoDataset(VideoDataset): """GulpIO Video dataset. The folder hierarchy should look something like this: :: root/data_0.gulp root/data_1.gulp ... root/meta_0.gulp root/meta_1.gulp ... """ def __init__( self, root_path: Union[str, Path], *, gulp_directory: Optional[GulpDirectory] = None, filter: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] = None, label_field: Optional[str] = None, label_set: Optional[LabelSet] = None, sampler: FrameSampler = _default_sampler(), transform: Optional[NDArrayVideoTransform] = None, ): """ Args: root_path: Path to GulpIO dataset folder on disk. The ``.gulp`` and ``.gmeta`` files are direct children of this directory. filter: Filter function that determines whether a video is included into the dataset. The filter is called on each video id, and should return ``True`` to include the video, and ``False`` to exclude it. label_field: Meta data field name that stores the label of an example, this is used to construct a :class:`GulpLabelSet` that performs the example labelling. Defaults to ``'label'``. label_set: Optional label set for labelling examples. This is mutually exclusive with ``label_field``. sampler: Optional sampler for drawing frames from each video. transform: Optional transform over the :class:`ndarray` with layout ``THWC``. Note you'll probably want to remap the channels to ``CTHW`` at the end of this transform. gulp_directory: Optional gulp directory residing at root_path. Useful if you wish to create a custom label_set using the gulp_directory, which you can then pass in with the gulp_directory itself to avoid reading the gulp metadata twice. """ if transform is None: def transform(frames): return torch.Tensor(np.rollaxis(frames, -1, 0)).div_(255) if gulp_directory is not None: if Path(gulp_directory.output_dir) != Path(root_path): raise ValueError( "Expected gulp_dir.output ({}) to be the same as " "root_path ({})".format(gulp_directory.output_dir, root_path) ) self.gulp_dir = gulp_directory else: self.gulp_dir = GulpDirectory(str(root_path)) label_set = self._get_label_set(self.gulp_dir, label_field, label_set) super().__init__( root_path, label_set=label_set, sampler=sampler, transform=transform ) self._video_ids = self._get_video_ids(self.gulp_dir, filter) self.labels = self._label_examples(self._video_ids, self.label_set) @property def video_ids(self): return self._video_ids
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self._video_ids)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, index) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, Label]]: id_ = self._video_ids[index] frame_count = self._get_frame_count(id_) frame_idx = self.sampler.sample(frame_count) if isinstance(frame_idx, slice): frames = self._load_frames(id_, frame_idx) elif isinstance(frame_idx, list): if isinstance(frame_idx[0], slice): frame_idx = cast(List[slice], frame_idx) frames = np.concatenate( [self._load_frames(id_, slice_) for slice_ in frame_idx] ) elif isinstance(frame_idx[0], numbers.Number): frames = np.concatenate( [ self._load_frames(id_, slice(index, index + 1)) for index in frame_idx ] ) else: raise TypeError( "frame_idx was a list of {} but we only support " "int and slice elements".format(type(frame_idx[0]).__name__) ) else: raise TypeError( "frame_idx was of type {} but we only support slice, " "List[slice], List[int]".format(type(frame_idx).__name__) ) if self.labels is not None: label = self.labels[index] else: label = empty_label frames, label = invoke_transform(self.transform, frames, label) if label is not empty_label: return frames, label return frames
@staticmethod def _label_examples(video_ids: List[str], label_set: Optional[LabelSet]): if label_set is None: return None else: return [label_set[video_id] for video_id in video_ids] @staticmethod def _get_video_ids( gulp_dir, filter_fn: Optional[Callable[[str], bool]] ) -> List[str]: return sorted( [ id_ for id_ in gulp_dir.merged_meta_dict.keys() if filter_fn is None or filter_fn(id_) ] ) @staticmethod def _get_label_set( gulp_dir, label_field: Optional[str], label_set: Optional[LabelSet] ): if label_field is None: label_field = "label" if label_set is None: label_set = GulpLabelSet(gulp_dir.merged_meta_dict, label_field=label_field) return label_set def _load_frames(self, id_: str, frame_idx: slice) -> np.ndarray: frames, _ = self.gulp_dir[id_, frame_idx] return np.array(frames, dtype=np.uint8) def _get_frame_count(self, id_: str): info = self.gulp_dir.merged_meta_dict[id_] return len(info["frame_info"])