Source code for torchvideo.transforms.transforms.multiscale_crop_video

import itertools
import random
from typing import Tuple, Iterator, Sequence, List

import PIL
from PIL.Image import Image
from torchvision.transforms import functional as F

from .types import PILVideo, PILVideoI, ImageShape, Point
from .transform import Transform, FramesAndParams
from .internal import canonicalize_size

[docs]class MultiScaleCropVideo(Transform[PILVideo, PILVideoI, Tuple[ImageShape, Point]]): r"""Random crop the input video (composed of PIL Images) at one of the given scales or from a set of fixed crops, then resize to specified size. Args: size (sequence or int): Desired output size. If size is an int instead of sequence like ``(h, w)``, a square image ``(size, size)`` is made. scales (sequence): A sequence of floats between in the range :math:`[0, 1]` indicating the scale of the crop to be made. max_distortion (int): Integer between 0--``len(scales)`` that controls aspect-ratio distortion. This parameters decides which scales will be combined together when creating crop boxes. A max distortion of ``0`` means that the crop width/height have to be from the same scale, whereas a distortion of 1 means that the crop width/height can be from 1 scale before or ahead in the ``scales`` sequence thereby stretching or squishing the frame. fixed_crops (bool): Whether to use upper right, upper left, lower right, lower left and center crop positions as the list of candidate crop positions instead of those generated from ``scales`` and ``max_distortion``. more_fixed_crops (bool): Whether to add center left, center right, upper center, lower center, upper quarter left, upper quarter right, lower quarter left, lower quarter right crop positions to the list of candidate crop positions that are randomly selected. ``fixed_crops`` must be enabled to use this setting. """ def _gen_params( self, frames: PILVideo ) -> FramesAndParams[PILVideo, Tuple[ImageShape, Point]]: if isinstance(frames, list): frame = frames[0] else: assert isinstance(frames, Iterator) frame = next(frames) frames = itertools.chain([frame], frames) crop_shape, offset = self.get_params( frame, self.size, self.scales, max_distortion=self.max_distortion, fixed_crops=self.fixed_crops, more_fixed_crops=self.more_fixed_crops, ) return FramesAndParams(frames, (crop_shape, offset)) def _transform( self, frames: PILVideo, params: Tuple[ImageShape, Point] ) -> PILVideoI: crop_shape, offset = params for frame in frames: yield F.resized_crop( frame, offset.y, offset.x, crop_shape.height, crop_shape.width, size=self.size, interpolation=self.interpolation, ) pass def __init__( self, size, scales: Sequence[float] = (1, 0.875, 0.75, 0.66), max_distortion: int = 1, fixed_crops: bool = True, more_fixed_crops: bool = True, ): self.size = canonicalize_size(size) self.scales = scales self.max_distortion = max_distortion self.fixed_crops = fixed_crops self.more_fixed_crops = more_fixed_crops if self.more_fixed_crops and not self.fixed_crops: raise ValueError("fixed_crops must be True if using more_fixed_crops.") self.interpolation = PIL.Image.BILINEAR def __repr__(self): return ( self.__class__.__name__ + "(size={size}, scales={scales}, max_distortion={max_distortion}, " "fixed_crops={fixed_crops}, more_fixed_crops={more_fixed_crops})".format( size=self.size, scales=self.scales, max_distortion=self.max_distortion, fixed_crops=self.fixed_crops, more_fixed_crops=self.more_fixed_crops, ) ) @classmethod def get_params( cls, frame: Image, output_shape: Tuple[int, int], scales: Sequence[float], max_distortion: int = 0, fixed_crops: bool = False, more_fixed_crops: bool = False, ) -> Tuple[ImageShape, Point]: input_width, input_height = frame.size input_shape = ImageShape(input_height, input_width) output_shape = ImageShape(*output_shape) shortest_side_length = min(input_shape) crop_sizes = [int(shortest_side_length * scale) for scale in scales] crop_shape = cls._sample_crop_shape(crop_sizes, max_distortion, output_shape) if not fixed_crops: offset = cls._sample_random_offset(input_shape, crop_shape) else: offset = cls._sample_fixed_offset( input_shape, crop_shape, more_fixed_crops=more_fixed_crops ) return crop_shape, offset @classmethod def _sample_crop_shape( cls, crop_sizes: List[int], max_distortion: int, output_shape: ImageShape ) -> ImageShape: output_height, output_width = output_shape candidate_crop_heights = [ output_height if abs(crop_size - output_height) < 3 else crop_size for crop_size in crop_sizes ] candidate_crop_widths = [ output_width if abs(crop_size - output_width) < 3 else crop_size for crop_size in crop_sizes ] crop_shapes = [] # elements of the form: (crop_height, crop_width) for i, crop_height in enumerate(candidate_crop_heights): for j, crop_width in enumerate(candidate_crop_widths): if abs(i - j) <= max_distortion: crop_shapes.append(ImageShape(crop_height, crop_width)) return random.choice(crop_shapes) @staticmethod def _sample_random_offset(input_shape, crop_shape) -> Point: horizontal_offset = random.randint(0, input_shape.width - crop_shape.width) vertical_offset = random.randint(0, input_shape.height - crop_shape.height) return Point(x=horizontal_offset, y=vertical_offset) @classmethod def _sample_fixed_offset( cls, input_shape: ImageShape, crop_shape: ImageShape, more_fixed_crops=False ) -> Point: offsets: List[Point] = cls._fixed_crop_offsets( input_shape, crop_shape, more_fixed_crops=more_fixed_crops ) return random.choice(offsets) @staticmethod def _fixed_crop_offsets( image_shape: ImageShape, crop_shape: ImageShape, more_fixed_crops=False ) -> List[Point]: horizontal_step = (image_shape.width - crop_shape.width) // 4 vertical_step = (image_shape.height - crop_shape.height) // 4 # Elements of the form (v_offset, h_offset) offsets = [ Point(x=0, y=0), # upper left Point(x=0, y=4 * vertical_step), # lower left Point(x=4 * horizontal_step, y=0), # upper right Point(x=4 * horizontal_step, y=4 * vertical_step), # lower right Point(x=2 * horizontal_step, y=2 * vertical_step), # center ] if more_fixed_crops: offsets += [ Point(x=0, y=2 * vertical_step), # center left Point(x=4 * horizontal_step, y=2 * vertical_step), # center right Point(x=2 * horizontal_step, y=4 * vertical_step), # lower center Point(x=2 * horizontal_step, y=0 * vertical_step), # upper center Point(x=1 * horizontal_step, y=1 * vertical_step), # upper left quarter Point( x=3 * horizontal_step, y=1 * vertical_step ), # upper right quarter Point(x=1 * horizontal_step, y=3 * vertical_step), # lower left quarter Point( x=3 * horizontal_step, y=3 * vertical_step ), # lower right quarter ] return offsets