Source code for torchvideo.samplers

import itertools
from abc import ABC
from typing import Union, List, Callable, Tuple, cast, Optional
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randint

from torchvideo.internal.utils import _is_int

[docs]class FrameSampler(ABC): # pragma: no cover """Abstract base class that all frame samplers implement. If you are creating your own sampler, you should inherit from this base class."""
[docs] def sample(self, video_length: int) -> Union[slice, List[int], List[slice]]: """Generate frame indices to sample from a video of ``video_length`` frames. Args: video_length: The duration in frames of the video to be sampled from Returns: Frame indices """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class FullVideoSampler(FrameSampler): """Sample all frames in a video. Args: frame_step: The step size between frames, this controls FPS reduction, a step size of 2 will halve FPS, step size of 3 will reduce FPS to 1/3. """ def __init__(self, frame_step=1): self.frame_step = frame_step
[docs] def sample(self, video_length: int) -> Union[slice, List[int], List[slice]]: """ Args: video_length: The duration in frames of the video to be sampled from. Returns: a ``slice`` from ``0`` to ``video_length`` with step size ``frame_step`` """ if video_length <= 0: raise ValueError( "Video must be at least 1 frame long but was {} frames long".format( video_length ) ) return slice(0, video_length, self.frame_step)
def __str__(self): return repr(self) def __repr__(self): return "{cls_name}()".format(cls_name=self.__class__.__name__)
[docs]class ClipSampler(FrameSampler): """Sample clips of a fixed duration uniformly randomly from a video.""" def __init__(self, clip_length: int, frame_step: int = 1, test: bool = False): """ Args: clip_length: Duration of clip in frames frame_step: The step size between frames, this controls FPS reduction, a step size of 2 will halve FPS, step size of 3 will reduce FPS to 1/3. test: Whether or not to sample in test mode (in test mode the central clip is sampled from the video) """ self.clip_length = clip_length self.frame_step = frame_step self.test_mode = test
[docs] def sample(self, video_length: int) -> Union[slice, List[int], List[slice]]: if video_length <= 0: raise ValueError( "Video must be at least 1 frame long but was {} frames long".format( video_length ) ) sample_length = compute_sample_length(self.clip_length, self.frame_step) if video_length < sample_length: return _oversample(video_length, sample_length) max_offset = video_length - sample_length if self.test_mode: start_index = int(np.floor(max_offset / 2)) else: start_index = 0 if max_offset == 0 else randint(0, max_offset) return slice(start_index, start_index + sample_length, self.frame_step)
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(clip_length={!r}, frame_step={!r})".format( self.clip_length, self.frame_step )
[docs]class TemporalSegmentSampler(FrameSampler): """[TSN]_ style sampling. The video is equally divided into a number of segments, ``segment_count`` and from within each segment a snippet, a contiguous sequence of frames, ``snippet_length`` fr+ames long is sampled. There are two variants of sampling. One for training and one for testing. During training the snippet location within the segment is uniformly randomly sampled. During testing snippets are sampled centrally within their segment (i.e. deterministically). [TSN]_ Uses the following configurations: +---------+------------+-------------------+--------------------+ | Network | Train/Test | ``segment_count`` | ``snippet_length`` | +=========+============+===================+====================+ | RGB | Train | 3 | 1 | + +------------+-------------------+--------------------+ | | Test | 25 | 1 | +---------+------------+-------------------+--------------------+ | Flow | Train | 3 | 5 | + +------------+-------------------+--------------------+ | | Test | 25 | 5 | +---------+------------+-------------------+--------------------+ """ def __init__( self, segment_count: int, snippet_length: int, *, sample_count: Optional[int] = None, test: bool = False ): """ Args: segment_count: Number of segments to split the video into, from which a snippet is sampled. snippet_length: The number of frames in each snippet sample_count: Override the number of samples to be drawn from the segments, by default the sampler will sample a total of ``segment_count`` snippets from the video. In some cases it can be useful to sample fewer than this (effectively choosing ``sample_count`` snippets from ``segment_count``). test: Whether to sample in test mode or not (see class docstring for training/testing differences) """ if segment_count < 1: raise ValueError("segment_count must be greater than 0") if sample_count is not None and sample_count > segment_count: raise ValueError( ( "sample_count ({}) must be smaller or equal to " "segment_count ({})" ).format(sample_count, segment_count) ) if snippet_length < 1: raise ValueError("snippet_length must be greater than 0") self.test_mode = test self.segment_count = segment_count self.sample_count = sample_count if sample_count is not None else segment_count self.snippet_length = snippet_length
[docs] def sample(self, video_length: int) -> Union[List[slice], List[int]]: """ Args: video_length: The duration in frames of the video to be sampled from Returns: Frame indices as list of slices """ # We can't sample from a video with 0 frames if video_length <= 0: raise ValueError( "Video must be at least 1 frame long but was {} frames long".format( video_length ) ) # If the video is shorter than a single snippet we need to oversample the video # to produce a single snippet, we then duplicate this for all needed snippets. if video_length <= self.snippet_length: return list( np.tile(self._oversample_snippet(video_length), self.segment_count) ) # If the video is shorted than the number of snippets * segments we need to # sample then we to have overlapping segments from which we draw snippets from. if video_length < self.segment_count * self.snippet_length: return self._oversample_segments(video_length) # Otherwise we can split the video up into a bunch of segments and sample a # snippet from each of them, this is the happy path return self._sample(video_length)
def _sample(self, video_length): segment_start_idx, segment_length = self.segment_video(video_length) segment_offsets = self._get_segment_offsets(segment_length) snippet_start_idx = np.round(segment_start_idx + segment_offsets).astype( np.intp ) return [self._make_snippet_slice(start) for start in snippet_start_idx] def _oversample_segments(self, video_length): assert ( self.snippet_length < video_length < self.snippet_length * self.segment_count ) if self.test_mode: start_idx = np.linspace( 0, video_length - self.snippet_length, self.segment_count ).astype(np.intp) else: possible_snippet_positions = np.arange( video_length - self.snippet_length + 1 ) replace = len(possible_snippet_positions) < self.segment_count start_idx = np.sort( np.random.choice( possible_snippet_positions, size=self.segment_count, replace=replace ) ) return [self._make_snippet_slice(start) for start in start_idx] def _oversample_snippet(self, video_length): assert video_length <= self.snippet_length return np.linspace(0, video_length - 1, self.snippet_length).astype(np.intp) def _get_segment_offsets(self, segment_length: float) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: max_offset = segment_length - self.snippet_length if max_offset <= 0: return 0 if self.test_mode: return max_offset / 2 return np.random.random(self.segment_count) * max_offset
[docs] def segment_video(self, video_length: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """Segment a video of ``video_length`` frames into ``self.segment_count`` segments. Args: video_length: num Returns: ``(segment_start_idx, segment_length)``. The ``segment_start_idx`` contains the indices of the beginning of each segment in the video. ``segment_length`` is the length for all segments. """ segment_length = video_length / self.segment_count segment_start_idx = np.arange(self.segment_count) * segment_length return segment_start_idx, segment_length
def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): return ( "{cls_name}(" "segment_count={segment_count}, " "snippet_length={snippet_length}, " "test={test}" ")" ).format( cls_name=self.__class__.__name__, segment_count=self.segment_count, snippet_length=self.snippet_length, test=self.test_mode, ) def _make_snippet_slice(self, start: int) -> slice: # int casts are because we pass in np.intX numbers which throw errors down the # line return slice(int(start), int(start + self.snippet_length), 1)
[docs]class LambdaSampler(FrameSampler): """Custom sampler constructed from a user provided function.""" def __init__(self, sampler: Callable[[int], Union[slice, List[slice], List[int]]]): """ Args: sampler: Function that takes an ``int``, the video length in frames and returns a slice, list of ints, or list of slices representing indices to sample from the video. All the indices should be less than the video length - 1. """ self._fn = sampler
[docs] def sample(self, video_length: int) -> Union[slice, List[int], List[slice]]: frame_idx = self._fn(video_length) frame_idx_list = frame_idx_to_list(frame_idx) if not all([i < video_length for i in frame_idx_list]): raise ValueError( "Invalid frame_idx {} from user provided sampler for video of " "length {}".format(frame_idx, video_length) ) return frame_idx
def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + "(sampler={!r})".format(self._fn)
def frame_idx_to_list(frames_idx: Union[slice, List[slice], List[int]]) -> List[int]: """ Converts a frame_idx object to a list of indices. Useful for testing. Args: frames_idx: Frame indices represented as a slice, list of slices, or list of ints. Returns: frame idx as a list of ints. """ # mypy needs type assertions within these conditional blocks to get the correct # types if isinstance(frames_idx, list): if len(frames_idx) == 0: return cast(List[int], frames_idx) if isinstance(frames_idx[0], slice): frames_idx = cast(List[slice], frames_idx) return list( itertools.chain.from_iterable([_slice_to_list(s) for s in frames_idx]) ) if _is_int(frames_idx[0]): return cast(List[int], frames_idx) if isinstance(frames_idx, slice): return _slice_to_list(frames_idx) raise ValueError( "Can't handle {} objects, must be slice, List[slice], or List[int]".format( type(frames_idx) ) ) def compute_sample_length(clip_length, step_size): """Computes the number of frames to be sampled for a clip of length ``clip_length`` with frame step size of ``step_size`` to be generated. Args: clip_length: Number of frames to sample step_size: Number of frames to skip in between adjacent frames in the output Returns: Number of frames to sample to read a clip of length ``clip_length`` while skipping ``step_size - 1`` frames. """ return 1 + step_size * (clip_length - 1) def _slice_to_list(slice_: slice) -> List[int]: step = 1 if slice_.step is None else slice_.step start = 0 if slice_.start is None else slice_.start stop = slice_.stop if stop is None: raise ValueError("Cannot convert slice with no stop attribute to a list") return list(range(start, stop, step)) def _oversample(video_length: int, sample_length: int) -> List[int]: assert ( sample_length > video_length ), "No point oversampling a video that has more frames than the sample length" missing_frames_count = sample_length - video_length return ([0] * missing_frames_count) + list(range(0, video_length)) _default_sampler = FullVideoSampler